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Don't put pressure on anyone until he's stalled.
crime in the workplace Often caused by small quarrels and not clearing the mind until it escalated into a big problem that ended up hurting each other This is well known to organizational psychologists. But it's difficult to solve and prevent. Because in the organization, it is often seen that quarrels or disagreements or stalemates of employees are extremely normal. and especially if it's the boss Or the boss acts with his subordinates, the more nobody wants to interfere. But that's the pressure. Coercing a person has no choice. Until turning frustration into resentment and eventually cause violence.

Psychologists play a fundamental role in healthcare when it comes to improving people's physical, mental and social well-being. Today, they are an essential component in resolving different psychological disorders.

This Professional Master’s Degree provides extensive knowledge in advanced models and techniques to evaluate, diagnose and treat people from infancy to old age, including family groups and couples. For this, you will have a teaching faculty that stands out for its extensive professional experience in the different areas in which psychology has developed and in different sectors of the population.

Psychologists have an understanding of and capacity to engage in evidence-based and culturally-informed intervention, assessment, prevention, training, and research practices. They focus on healthy aspects and strengths of their clients (whether they are individuals, couples, families, groups, organizations, or communities); environmental/contextual influences (such as cultural, sociopolitical, gender, racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic factors) that shape people’s experiences and concerns; the role of career and work in peoples’ lives; and advocacy for equity and social justice.