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How Legalized Online Gambling is Better for Society

Whether gambling is healthy for society or not, should not be the question you are asking yourself. History has proven that people are going to gamble whether it is legal or not.

The question we should be asking is, by banning online gambling are we going to make things better or worse?

The answer to that question is simple, banning legalized and regulated online gambling in any form, just makes another way for organized crime to get a hold of peoples money, and then no one but the criminals wins.

If you want to keep a child from seeing an R rated movie you do not ban the movie from the theaters do you? No that would be silly you just make sure that people are doing there best to check and verify that no one under 18 gets into seeing the movie. By banning the movie chances are greater that someone will get a bootleg copy and show it to every kid in the town.

So if you want to keep a child from gambling online then all the online casinos should be regulated and monitored, not banned.

The same goes for terrorists. If you believe terrorist groups are exploiting an unregulated and unmonitored industry such as the online gambling industry, then by regulating it you can see where the money is going and make sure it is not going to fund international terrorist attacks. All that is accomplished by banning it is that the criminals get a stronger grip on the industry.

The ban on online gambling is much like the war on drugs. If marijuana was legalized in the USA crimes related to it would almost go away completely, because it would be sold in stores and it would be controlled, another advantage would be that people would no longer be going to jail for marijuana-related charges, this means thousands of fewer people getting arrested and going to jail every year, which would save us tax money that could be better spent.

By making online gambling in the USA a legalized form of adult entertainment it would also bring in an estimated 1.2 billion dollars in taxes to the American government. This money could be used for schools, police and universal healthcare for all Americans.

This is how you improve society, not by telling people what to do. It is human nature to want what we can not have so the more laws you put in place to stop people from doing something the better the chances are that people are going to do it.

People are just as likely to become addicted to gambling at a regulated casino as an unregulated one, but the difference is that in a regulated casino they will not extend you the amount of credit that will get you into trouble in an illegal casino.

And in a regulated casino, they will have information on how to get help if you have a gambling problem. In an illegal casino, they will not have this type of information, they want you to continue to gamble till you have nothing left, and then they will let you fall and find someone to take your place.

In the long run, society can only prosper if we educate people on the dangers of gambling both online and in a casino, and not from banning an industry that employs thousands of people in countries all over the world. No one gains anything from just telling people they can not do something that they are going to do anyway.

It is about time the government learned this and stopped making the same mistakes year after year.

Fruit and Vegetable Diet

Most of us know just how healthy fruit and vegetables are, yet for some reason many of us simply don’t get enough in our everyday diets. If you feel as though your health may be lacking in this area then starting a fruit and vegetable diet is a fantastic choice of new year’s resolution.

Using The Fruit and Vegetable Diet As A New Year Detox

The fruit and vegetable diet can mean a few different things. One option is to eat only fruit and vegetables as a way to detox as a way to start your new year’s weight loss resolution. By cleansing your body for a period of around two weeks, you’ll be giving your weight loss efforts a head start. You’ll cleanse your body of toxins and help to rid yourself of unhealthy eating habits. But be warned – this kind of diet isn’t easy and you should always see a doctor before you get started!

If you want a more long term diet plan then opt to simply include a greater number of fruits and vegetables in your every day diet. Aside from the fruits and vegetables, you should make sure that the rest of your diet remains balanced.

What Are The Benefits Of A Fruit And Vegetable Diet?

There are a number of benefits of incorporating more fruits and veg in your diet. For a start, they are very high in fiber. In turn this can impact your health by helping to control blood glucose levels, keeping your digestive system running smoothly, reducing the risk of some cancers and reducing cholesterol levels.

Fruit and vegetables also contain a huge number of vitamins and minerals that we need for our bodies to function properly. These help to prevent a whole range of diseases and health conditions and keep us as healthy as possible.

What Should You Be Eating?

As part of a standard diet, you should be getting at least five portions of fruit and veg every day – and these should come from a wide range of different sources. Eating them fresh means you’ll get the greatest benefit, though you can incorporate dried fruits into your diet if it helps. Remember the general rule – the more colorful the vegetables on your plate, the more healthy your meal is.

Many of us aren’t simply getting what we need, so starting a fruit and vegetable diet is certainly a good resolution to make for the new year. If you’re finding it difficult then try to make things easier by drinking smoothies and making soups. Your body will thank you for it!

A College Degree is Nearly a Necessity

Your education is the single greatest gift you can give yourself. While there are educational opportunities all around us, some of them come at a greater cost than others. A college education might require a hefty investment of time and money upfront but the pay off is much better over time than if you used your life experiences in order to achieve the same level of education that you can pack into 2, 4, or 5 years of an undergraduate education on the college level.

In other words, over the course of your lifetime, you are likely to pay far less for your college education than you would pay (in earning potential) for not having a college education. At the same time, each level of college education you receive increases your overall earning potential. This means that a one-year degree in a technical field will provide a modest boost from a high school diploma when it comes to earning potential but an associate’s degree will provide an even better boost. You will see an even more significant improvement in earning potential when you increase from an associate’s degree to a bachelor’s degree. The vast majority of students enter the workforce upon completion of a bachelor’s degree. Those students, however, who remain in school for graduate studies often, find that a master’s degree even further improves their lifetime earning potentials.

The problem for most when it comes to making the jump between degrees and educational levels is cost. There are times in life when we simply need to get out of school and get to work. The good news is that it is gradually becoming easier for those with careers to further their education without sacrificing either their careers or their family during the process. Of course, there will be some sacrifices along the way but it isn’t an all at once or nothing endeavor. You can work towards your degree by taking online classes, night classes, and Saturday classes. The information age has made it easier than ever before to achieve the educational goals you need to meet in order to satisfy your dreams for the future.

Your level of education will get your foot in the door when it comes to certain jobs and your lack of education will limit you far more than a lack of experience will limit you in many cases. As time grows on, more and more companies are seeking employees that have degrees rather than those who have experience in the field. If you hope to remain competitive in the business world you need to arm yourself with the proper education. Check with your company to see if they offer any sort of incentives for employees continuing their education. You might be surprised to find that your company offers to match your tuition funds or even completely reimburse them if you are working towards a degree that will assist you in your job functions.

There is no wrong reason to get an education. Even if you are applying for a job that won’t use your specific degree, you might find that having a degree at all gives you a boost over other applicants for the same position. A college degree is becoming more and more necessary in today’s business climate. You need to take every opportunity that is available to you in order to get your college degree.